You can visit Ircam’s data base of scientific articles for more informations.
[Dechelle03a] Dechelle, F., Various IRCAM free software: jMax and OpenMusic, Linux Audio Developers Meeting, Karlsruhe, 2003
[Dechelle03b] Dechelle, F., Tisserand, P., Free software at IRCAM: jMax, OpenMusic, AGNULA - Bring Your Own Laptop, Prato, 2003
[Locher03a] Locher, H.N., Bouillot, N., Becquet, E., Dechelle, F., Gressier-Soudan, E., Monitoring the Distributed Virtual Orchestra with a CORBA based Object Oriented Real-Time Data Distribution Service, International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications (DOA), Catania, 2003
[Sarria03a] Sarria, G., Diago, J.F., OpenMusic for Linux and MacOS X, 2003
[Seleborg03a] Seleborg, C., Integration de traitements video dans jMax, Universite Paris-Dauphine, 2003. [Maitrise Genie Mathematique et Informatique]
[Bouillot02a] Bouillot, N., Metaphore de l’orchestre virtuel: etude des contraintes systemes et reseaux, prototypage., Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 2002. [DEA Systemes Informatiques Repartis]
[Dechelle02a] Dechelle, F., jMax/Java licensing issues: possible solutions, 2002
[Dechelle02b] Dechelle, F., Audio applications cooperation and inter-operability, 2002
[Dechelle02c] Dechelle, F., jMax/Java licensing issues: current state of the developments, 2002
[Dechelle02d] Dechelle, F., A look at AGNULA, Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre, Bordeaux, 2002
[Goudard02a] Goudard, V., Suivi de partition, INSA Lyon, 2002
[Mathieu02b] Mathieu, G., Suivi de partition, INSA Lyon, 2002
[Muller02a] Muller, R., S0undb1ts, mise en oeuvre d’un dispositif de synthese, traitement et spatialisation du son pour 576 sources independantes., INSA Lyon, 2002
[Brossier01a] Brossier, P., Etude de l’adaptation d’un langage visuel pour la representation de traitements video temps reel, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, 2001. [DEA ATIAM]
[Dechelle01a] Dechelle, F., Geiger, G., Phillips, D., Demudi: The Debian Multimedia Distribution, International Computer Music Conference, La Havane, 2001 -
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[Orio01a] Orio, N., Dechelle, F., Score Following Using Spectral Analysis and Hidden Markov Models, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, La Havane, 2001 -
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[Mouillet01a] Mouillet, V., Prise en compte des informations temporelles dans les Modeles de Markov Caches - Application au suivi de partitions musicales, CNAM/ Institut d’Informatique d’Entreprise, 2001
[Bargar00a] Bargar, R., Dechelle, F., Choi, I., Betts, A., Goudeseune, C., Schnell, N., Warusfel, O., Coney Island : combining JMax, Spat and VSS for Acoustic Integration of spatial and temporal models in a virtual reality installation, International Computer Music Conference, San Francisco, 2000 -
[Dechelle00a] Dechelle, F., jMax : un environnement pour la realisation d’applications musicales sur Linux, Journees d’Informatique musicale, Bordeaux, 2000 -
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[Dechelle00b] Dechelle, F., Borghesi, R., Orio, N., Schnell, N., The jMax environment: an overview of new features, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Allemagne, 2000 -
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[Dufourd00a] Dufourd, F., Steaming audio temps reel sur le reseau avec jMax, Universite de technologie de Belfort-Monbeliard, 2000. [Memoire de stage d’ingenieur]
[Dechelle99a] Dechelle, F., de Cecco, M., Maggi, E., Schnell, N., jMax recent developments, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Pekin, 1999 -
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[Dechelle99b] Dechelle, F., jMax: un environnement de programmation pour l’interactivite et le temps reel, Interfaces homme-machine et creation musicale (HERMES Science), 1999, pp. 85-94
[Dechelle99c] Dechelle, F., Borghesi, R., de Cecco, M., Maggi, E., Rovan, J., Schnell, N., jMax: An Environment for Real-Time Musical Applications, Computer Music Journal, Septembre 1999, vol. 23, n¡ 3, pp. 50-58
[Dechelle98a] Dechelle, F., Borghesi, R., de Cecco, M., Maggi, E., Rovan, J., Schnell, N., jMax: a new JAVA-based editing and control system for real-time musical applications., ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Ann Arbor, 1998 -
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[Dechelle98b] Dechelle, F., Borghesi, R., de Cecco, M., Maggi, E., Rovan, J., Schnell, N., Latest evolutions of the FTS real-time engine : typing, scoping, threading, compiling, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Ann Arbor, 1998 -
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[Dechelle98c] Dechelle, F., Borghesi, R., de Cecco, M., Maggi, E., Rovan, J., Schnell, N., jMax: demonstration of an integrated environment for real time musical applications, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Ann Arbor, 1998 -
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[Dechelle96a] Dechelle, F., de Cecco, M., Maggi, E., Schnell, N., New DSP applications on FTS, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong, 1996 -
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[Maggi96a] Maggi, E., Dechelle, F., The Evolution of the Graphic Editing Environment for the IRCAM Musical Workstation, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Hong Kong, 1996 -
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[Dechelle95a] Dechelle, F., de Cecco, M., The Ircam Real-Time Platform And Applications, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Banff, 1995 -
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[Dechelle94a] Dechelle, F., de Cecco, M., Puckette, M., Zicarelli, D., The IRCAM ÇReal-Time PlatformÈ : evolution and Perspectives, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Aarhus, 1994, pp. 228-229 -
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[Lindemann90a] Lindemann, E., Starkier, M., Dechelle, F., The Ircam Musical Workstation : hardware Overview and Signal Processing Features, ICMC: International Computer Music Conference, Glasgow, 1990 -