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jMax mailing-lists

jmax-user mailing-list

The jmax-user mailing list hosts discussions, news, help, etc, about jMax. If you use jMax, please join this list.
-  This mailing list is private: only members can post.
-  To send a message to list members, send email to the following address:

-  This mailing-list use mailman .

-  To subscribe or unsubscribe, use the web interface

-  Archives of this mailing-list are available at:
old archive

jmax-developer mailing-list

The jmax-developer hosts discussions about developing jMax: programming, software architecture, new features, bugs, enhancements
If you plan to develop on or with jMax, please subscribe to this mailing-list.

-  This mailing list is private: only members can post.
-  To send a message to list members, send email to the following address:

-  This mailing-list use mailman .

-  To subscribe or unsubscribe, use the web interface

-  This mailing-list have an archive

jmax-cvs mailing-list

The jmax-cvs mailling-list is used to be informed for each modifications done on jMax CVS An email is send for each commit on jMax repository (so for each repository modules)
-  This mailing-list use the mailman software.

-  To subscribe or unsubscribe, you can use the mailing-list web interface

-  Mailing-list archive is available

-  Only jMax developpers can post on this mailing-list