You can download the latest stable version of jMax on the following sites:
Ircam freesoftware FTP server
You can also see all the files available for jMax project on SourceForge.
To run jMax on Linux or Windows, you need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or the Java Development Kit (JDK), either the Sun or the IBM version. With the JRE, you will only be able to run jMax; with the JDK, you can also compile it since it includes a Java compiler.
You need JDK or JRE version 1.4.
To get the Java tools:
To run jMax on Mac OS X, you don’t need to download Java as it is included in Mac OS X. However, be sure that you have the latest version provided by Apple by using Mac OS X automatic updater.
jMax sources are available as tarball:
on Sourceforge: jMax 4.0.2 sources
on Ircam freesoftware FTP server: jMax 4.0.2 sources
jMax RPMs are available:
on Sourceforge:
on Ircam freesoftware FTP server:
jMax debian packages are available from Paul Brossier’s web site. You can either:
use apt-get by adding the following line in your /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb binary/
or directly download the packages
Mac OS X
jMax for Mac OS X is available as a disk image:
on Sourceforge: jMax 4.0.2 disk image for Mac OS X
on Ircam freesoftware FTP server: jMax 4.0.2 disk image for Mac OS X
CVS snapshots
CVS snapshots of jMax and externals modules are available on Ircam freesoftware FTP server